Happy family together, back view- concept


This is a thumbnail for ABM NeuroMovement Practitioner Silvia Voss: Thrive with Silvia

Hello, I’m Silvia.

I began my journey in the sciences, I studied Chemistry in Austria, worked for many years in the pharmaceutical industry. After the birth of my child I studied with Anat Baniel and built my ABM® practice for kids with special needs and adults in Germany.

As a mother whose family has greatly benefitted from working with many practitioners, I appreciate the effectiveness and quality of Anat Baniel’s rigorous training.

In my ABM® practice in New York I guide parents and clients in their health journey - to reduce pain, (re)gain mobility, and live fuller, freer lives.

ABM® sees the complexity in each person and doesn’t focus on the limitations- shifting away from “fixing” problems to connecting with your inner wisdom.

ABM® Supports Clients With many challenges. Including but not limited to:

• Meeting Childhood Milestones

• Developmental Delays

• Cerebral Palsy

• ADHD/ Autism

• Genetic Conditions

• Stroke/ Injury Recovery

• Chronic Pain

• Trauma

Because there is so much information about ABM NeuroMovement® my goal for this site is to support you in your learning journey.

If you are reading this, I hope the links, books, videos, and the FREE GUIDE that I have included on this this website bring clarity and comfort.

I am always available to talk about ABM NeuroMovement®, to support you, and to answer questions you may have. If you are interested in booking a session or joining a group, please contact me.

As a mother of a special needs child, I can see the impact of ABM® every day.



Silvia Voss

Certified ABM NeuroMovement® Practitioner


In this video Anat Baniel explains the Anat Baniel Method (ABM)

For more information about Anat Baniel Method®, and Neuromovement®, and Anat Baniel’s Master’s Training Facility & Conference Center in San Rafael, California Please visit anatbanielmethod.com

Books to Read: Move into life and Kids beyond limits, written by Anat Baniel, empowered me as a parent. Click on the images to preview the books, or click the links to find these books on Kindle.

NeuroscientistsSupport ABM NeuroMovement®

Norman Doidge, MD, Author of "The Brain That Changes Itself
"and "The Brain’s Way of Healing" “Following in the footsteps of the revolutionary scientist Moshe Feldenkrais, the greatest thinker about how to improve movement in the 20th Century...Norman Doidge, MD, Author of "The Brain That Changes Itself
"and "The Brain’s Way of Healing" “Following in the footsteps of the revolutionary scientist Moshe Feldenkrais, the greatest thinker about how to improve movement in the 20th Century...

—Norman Doidge, MD, Author of "The Brain That Changes Itself
"and "The Brain’s Way of Healing"

“Following in the footsteps of the revolutionary scientist Moshe Feldenkrais, the greatest thinker about how to improve movement in the 20th Century, Baniel shows why our mainstream approach to these children is often wrong, and at times damaging, because they train children to ‘ape’ developmental milestones they are not developmentally ready to meet.”

“The approach here, far wiser, far more subtle, truly holistic, far more ingenious, far more in accord with how brain development occurs, shows ways to access the child’s own brain plasticity and yields far greater results, so that the children can spontaneously grow from within.”

“I know because I have observed Baniel’s little patients on multiple visits, and time after time, I have seen children whose parents were told their brain-damaged children would never walk, or talk, or be able to think well or regulate themselves, begin to do just that with this gentle technique. I have seen the peace on the faces of these children as their minds and plastic brains suddenly begin to integrate what they have learned for the first time, the explosion of joy at their first steps and watched them grow and become more independent.”

—Norman Doidge, MD, Author of "The Brain That Changes Itself
"and "The Brain’s Way of Healing"

Dr. Michael Merzenich, Professor Emeritus, UCSF, Kavli Laureate in Neuroscience

“Anat Baniel explains how the great principles that govern the operations of a brain built for change can be practically applied to set up a child for continuous growth."

"Once the child you love is on that positive growth path, every little advance can be truly exciting for them, and for you.”

“I have spent much of my own scientific career trying to understand how we can harness our capacity for brain remodeling for the benefit of children and adults in need of neurological help.”

“From several decades of research, summarized in many thousands of published reports, we scientists have defined the ‘rules’ governing brain plasticity in neurological terms. We now know how to drive brains to change for the better."

"It has been a great wonder to me, then, that my friend Anat Baniel, working in parallel along a completely different path, has defined almost exactly the same rules.”

“Moreover, Anat interprets them here in practical and understandable human terms, in ways that should contribute richly to your own more enlightened parenting, grand-parenting, or clinical intervention.”

—Dr. Michael Merzenich, PhD, “Father” of brain plasticity science,
Winner of the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, and Author of Soft-Wired

Sessions With Silvia

ABM NeuroMovement®

Now Serving New York City & Brooklyn. Intensives Available Upon Request*

ABM Neuromovemt Practioner Silvia Voss performing an individual lesson with a special needs child in NYC.
This introduces ABM NeuroMovement® lessons. They are 45 minutes long and most effective when given as intensives. Silvia Incorporates the Nine Essentials with focused attention in a one-on-one setting with slow and gentle movements.This introduces ABM NeuroMovement® lessons. They are 45 minutes long and most effective when given as intensives. Silvia Incorporates the Nine Essentials with focused attention in a one-on-one setting with slow and gentle movements.This introduces ABM NeuroMovement® lessons. They are 45 minutes long and most effective when given as intensives. Silvia Incorporates the Nine Essentials with focused attention in a one-on-one setting with slow and gentle movements.

Individual Lessons

NeuroMovement® lessons are 45 minutes long and they are most effective when given as intensives.

Silvia Incorporates the Nine Essentials with focused attention in a one-on-one setting with slow and gentle movements.

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This box introduces "Mommy and Me": small group ABM Neuromovement meeting for kids (3 months - 1.5 years). Improve communication, and connect deeper with your loved one. Small groups meet for 1 hour each.This box introduces "Mommy and Me": small group ABM Neuromovement meeting for kids (3 months - 1.5 years). Improve communication, and connect deeper with your loved one. Small groups meet for 1 hour each.This box introduces "Mommy and Me": small group ABM Neuromovement meeting for kids (3 months - 1.5 years). Improve communication, and connect deeper with your loved one. Small groups meet for 1 hour each.

Mommy & Me,

Small Group Setting

Kids (3 months - 1.5 years)

Improve communication, and connect deeper with your loved one. Small groups meet for 1 hour each.

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On occassion Silvia hosts Online TML Courses, and speak for groups who are interested in her experience with special needs and ABM NeuroMovement®. She would be happy to have you join digitally. Please ask her to add you to her invitation listOn occassion Silvia hosts Online TML Courses, and speak for groups who are interested in her experience with special needs and ABM NeuroMovement®. She would be happy to have you join digitally. Please ask her to add you to her invitation listOn occassion Silvia hosts Online TML Courses, and speak for groups who are interested in her experience with special needs and ABM NeuroMovement®. She would be happy to have you join digitally. Please ask her to add you to her invitation list

Digital Invitations

On occassion Silvia hosts Online TML Courses, and speak for groups who are interested in her experience with special needs and ABM NeuroMovement®. She would be happy to have you join digitally. Please ask her to add you to her invitation list

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January 2024

First time sleeping Pain Free in Months!! I had my first session with Silvia yesterday in New York City. She explained to me the Nine Essentials, and walked me through how the Anat Baniel Method could improve my life. I have another session tomorrow and excited about ongoing sessions. For the first time in months I slept pain free! Just Remarkable!!

Confident Happy African American Woman Smiling outside

Geraldine H., Age 52

New York, NY

April 2023

I have chronic pain, and I found Silvia when I was looking for a way to have a more fulfilling life. I took part in her online TML Courses for several months. Silvia has a knack for conveying that “it is good the way it is” “but you can also go a little further” -- this was the reach and mindset I was looking for!

Mature woman smiling

Brigitte S., Age 53

Hamburg, Germany

May 2023

Our Son has Cerebral Palsy. At the age of two he could not pick up toys and was spastic. In March 2023 we worked with Silvia daily, and noticed a big transformation in just two months!

Under Silvia’s guidance, our son’s hands gained mobility, he grabbed toys for the first time, and he began turning over. His spastic improved.

Sylvia's dedicated sessions yielded these fantastic gains. We could not be more grateful for her help and hope to continue working with her in the future!

Portrait of beautiful russian woman

Helene, Son Age 2

Hamburg, Germany

February 2023

May 2023

My Mom had a serious health challenge when she suffered from a stroke. Our cousin had been to ABM sessions and told us that Mom should go. Two years later Mom is still doing ABM and is healthier and happier than ever!

Business Portrait of Young Woman

Hannah S., Mom Age 65

Hamburg, Germany

June 2023

I was having pain in my neck and shoulders from hunching over to look at my computer and my phone for work. I worked with Silvia for an intensive, and continued with sessions. I felt a big difference after the intensive, my partner said she noticed me standing different. I feel lighter, and more able to focus. Very happy with ABM and look forward to future sessions.

business man

Tom K., Age 44

Hamburg, Germany

Free Guide

Fill out a brief survey to get your FREE Guide.

ipad pro
This is the link to the ABM Neuromovement guide "Enhance your Life - Thrive with Silvia"
Adult clients taking part in an ABM NeuroMovement group lesson in NYC.

Enhance Your Life

thrive with silvia

In this e-book, we’ll go over the benefits of the nine essentials & how gaining awareness can enhance your life.

Physical therapy

In this Guide, we’ll go over the benefits of the nine essentials & how gaining awareness can enhance your life

Take the Survey

Benefits of ABM

Green Circle Check Vector

improve your posture

Green Circle Check Vector

enhance your creativity

Green Circle Check Vector

improve your focus

Green Circle Check Vector

connect deeper

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reduce stress levels

Green Circle Check Vector

elevate your energy

Green Circle Check Vector

raise your awareness

free download

“My Family has benefitted from NeuroMovement®, Yours can too!”

- Silvia

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On Site Appointments

Available By Request

East Village Private Office

By Appointment Only

New York, NY

10009 USA

Business Hours

Monday: 9am – 2pm

Tuesday: 9am – 2pm

Wednesday: 9am – 2pm

Thursday: 9am – 2pm

Friday: 9am – 2pm

Saturday: 9am-2pm